Understanding Sahara AI

Sep 17, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, offering immense benefits across personal, professional, and global spheres. From streamlining daily tasks to delivering personalized user experiences, optimizing business operations, and offering innovative solutions across industries, AI's potential to enhance our lives is profound. As AI continues to advance, we envision a future where AI is not only capable and ubiquitous, but also inherently fair, equitable, and accessible to all. However, the AI landscape today is a far cry from this vision.

Currently, AI development and deployment are dominated by just a few major tech companies. These large, centralized players often keep control in the hands of a few, creating barriers that limit who can participate in and benefit from AI advancements. This centralization of power and lack of transparency can lead to biased algorithms, privacy violations, and unequal access to AI's benefits. This not only stifles innovation—it exacerbates existing inequalities, leaving many individuals and communities without the resources or opportunities to engage with AI meaningfully.

Sahara AI is built to challenge that paradigm, providing a decentralized AI blockchain platform that democratizes the development, deployment, and monetization of AI assets such as AI models, datasets, agents, and other AI-related assets. This means everyone – from individual contributors to large enterprises – can participate in and benefit from AI advancements. 

By leveraging blockchain technology, Sahara AI ensures that all contributors are fairly compensated, sovereignty of data and models are maintained, and AI assets can be securely and permissionlessly created, shared, and traded, all while preserving privacy and promoting inclusivity.

The Sahara AI Platform

Sahara AI is built on three foundational pillars that together create a cohesive platform where every participant can contribute, collaborate, and benefit.

1. Sovereignty and Provenance 

This pillar ensures that ownership and governance of AI assets are decentralized and community-driven. It encompasses:

  • Verifiable, on-chain ownership of AI assets

  • Transparent attribution of contributions

  • Decentralized governance through Sahara Blockchain Protocols and DAOs

  • Comprehensive, immutable record-keeping of all AI lifecycle activities

2. AI Utility

This pillar is focused on empowering users throughout the AI lifecycle to deliver::

  • Seamless AI user experience across development, deployment, and management

  • Robust security and privacy measures

  • High-performance infrastructure supporting cutting-edge AI paradigms

  • User-friendly tools catering to all skill levels

3. A Collaborative Economy 

This pillar is designed to enable fair monetization and attribution, ensuring:

  • Equitable reward distribution based on contributions

  • Inclusive participation from individuals, SMBs, and enterprises

  • Trustless transactions for AI asset monetization

  • A transparent and efficient process for value exchange

Together, these pillars form the backbone of Sahara AI's vision for a decentralized, accessible, and equitable AI ecosystem.

Sahara AI Product Suite

The Sahara AI platform is composed of five key components, each designed to empower individuals, developers, and businesses to create and manage AI assets in a decentralized environment. Together, these components create a comprehensive, accessible, and secure platform for the collaborative development, deployment, and monetization of AI.

  1. Sahara Blockchain: An AI-native blockchain providing the foundation for secure, transparent transactions and efficient AI lifecycle management across the ecosystem. The Sahara Blockchain is specifically designed to handle the complexities of AI-related transactions. It employs a hybrid data management approach where critical metadata, attributions, and proofs are stored on-chain, ensuring immutability and transparency. Meanwhile, large AI datasets and models are stored off-chain for efficiency and scalability. This design allows for secure and verifiable management of AI assets while optimizing performance and cost-effectiveness.

  2. AI Infrastructure: Cutting-edge algorithms and computational framework that supports the latest AI advancements. This infrastructure includes capabilities for decentralized, collaborative training and serving of AI models, enabling participants to contribute resources and expertise to the development of AI in a secure and scalable environment.

  3. Sahara AI Marketplace: A decentralized hub for crowdsourcing AI assets, featuring a diverse portfolio of AI agents, models, and datasets. The marketplace is powered by blockchain-backed ownership and offers flexible licensing options, making it easy for users to monetize and share their AI assets.

  4. Development Tools: User-friendly tools designed to cater to all skill levels. For developers, the Sahara SDK & API provide powerful programming and integration capabilities. For non-technical users, No-Code/Low-Code platforms allow for the creation and deployment of AI assets through intuitive interfaces and pre-built templates.

  5. Secure Storage: Encrypted vaults and robust security measures ensure the protection of AI assets and user data. Sahara AI's storage solutions are designed to safeguard proprietary models, datasets, and other critical AI resources against unauthorized access and threats.

These components work together to create a cohesive platform that supports the entire AI lifecycle, from development and deployment to monetization and governance.

The Architecture Behind Sahara AI 

Sahara AI is engineered with a sophisticated architecture that integrates four primary layers, each playing a crucial role in ensuring the platform’s efficiency, security, and scalability. These four layers—Application, Transaction, Data, and Execution—form the foundation of Sahara AI’s collaborative economy. Together they provide a seamless experience for developers, data providers, and users.

1. Application Layer

The Application Layer serves as the primary interface between users and the Sahara AI platform. It’s the layer where most user interactions occur, enabling participants to create, deploy, and monetize AI assets with ease. This layer is designed with accessibility in mind, providing native applications and tools that cater to a wide range of users—from seasoned developers to those with minimal technical expertise.

Key components of the Application Layer include:

  • Sahara ID: The cornerstone of identity management, providing secure access and reputation tracking.

  • Sahara Vaults: Private and secure repositories for storing and managing AI assets.

  • Sahara Agent: AI-driven entities composed of Brain, Perceptor, and Actor components.

  • Sahara Toolkits: Development and deployment tools, including Sahara SDK & API and No-Code/Low-Code platforms.

  • Sahara AI Marketplace: A decentralized hub for publishing, monetizing, and trading AI assets.

Key features of the Application Layer include:

  • User-Centric Design: Whether you’re using the Sahara SDK & API for advanced development or a No-Code/Low-Code platform for simpler tasks, the Application Layer offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies AI creation and management.

  • Integrated AI Tools: The layer includes powerful tools for developing AI models, refining datasets, and deploying AI agents. These tools are designed to work seamlessly with the underlying infrastructure, ensuring a smooth user experience.

  • Monetization Capabilities: Through the Sahara AI Marketplace, users can publish, license, and trade their AI assets directly from this layer, making it the economic hub of the platform.

2. Transaction Layer

The Transaction Layer is the backbone of the Sahara AI platform, powered by the Sahara Blockchain. This AI-native blockchain is meticulously designed to handle all the transactions related to AI assets, ensuring that every action is securely recorded, attributed, and verified.

Key components of the Transaction Layer include:

Sahara Blockchain: an AI-native Layer 1 blockchain engineered for high scalability, efficiency, and seamless integration. It utilizes the Tendermint Byzantine Fault-Tolerant consensus algorithm, ensuring rapid finality, fault tolerance, and high throughput. Its design prioritizes interoperability, developer accessibility, and cost-efficiency, making it a pivotal component in fostering a transparent, reliable, and decentralized AI ecosystem with:

  • Efficiency: Sahara Blockchain leverages Tendermint to provide rapid block confirmation, near-instant finality, and real-time optimization for AI data processing.

  • Scalability: Its modular architecture supports Layer 2 scaling solutions like rollups, enhancing throughput and reducing transaction costs while maintaining security and decentralization.

  • Interoperability: The Sahara Cross-chain Communication (SCC) Protocol enables secure, permissionless data transfer across blockchains, facilitating trustless interoperability with other networks.

  • EVM Compatibility: Full EVM compatibility allows developers to leverage existing Ethereum tools like Solidity, ensuring seamless smart contract deployment across EVM-compatible networks.

  • Low Gas Fees: Optimized transaction batching and dynamic fee mechanisms minimize gas fees, making Sahara Blockchain economically viable and accessible for developers and users as the platform scales.

Sahara AI-Native Precompiles (SAPs): These are precompiled smart contracts that ensure optimized performance for AI-related tasks by reducing gas costs and computational overhead. They include:

  • Training Execution SAPs: Facilitate the recording, verification, and invocation of off-chain AI training processes. They ensure the integrity and authenticity of training computations, enhancing the reliability of AI models on the Sahara AI Platform.

  • Inference Execution SAPs: Support the execution, recording, and verification of off-chain AI inference computations. These precompiles help maintain the transparency, accountability, and verifiability of AI inference activities like predictions or classifications.

Sahara Blockchain Protocols (SBPs): These smart contracts manage key AI asset lifecycle processes to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability. Key protocols include:

  • AI Attribution SBPs: Tracks contributions and distributes rewards.

  • AI Asset Registry SBPs: Manages registration and provenance of AI assets.

  • AI Licensing SBPs: Controls access and usage rights for AI assets.

  • AI Ownership SBPs: Maintains ownership records on-chain.

3. Data Layer

The Data Layer is the central hub for managing the vast amounts of data required for AI development. It ensures that data is stored, accessed, and processed efficiently, balancing the need for performance with the necessity of security.

Key aspects of the Data Layer include:

  • On-chain Data: Critical AI asset metadata, attributions, commitments, and proofs.

  • Off-chain Data: Significant datasets, AI models, and supplemental information.

  • Data Management:

    • Security: Advanced encryption, access controls, and private domain storage.

    • Data Availability: Solutions to ensure all block data is verifiably accessible.

    • Indexing: Advanced indexing techniques for improved data retrieval and query efficiency.

    • Storage: Hybrid model combining decentralized and centralized storage solutions.

4. Execution Layer

The Execution Layer is the off-chain AI infrastructure of the Sahara AI platform that interacts seamlessly with the Transaction Layer and Data Layer. It executes and manages protocols related to AI computation and functionality, securely pulling data from the Data Layer and dynamically allocating computational resources for optimal performance.

Key components of the Execution Layer include:

High Performance Infrastructure: 

The Execution Layer's underlying infrastructure is designed to support high-performance AI computation with the following properties:

  • Expedient: Ensures rapid and reliable performance by efficiently coordinating AI computations across various contributors and participants.

  • Elastic: Incorporates robust autoscaling mechanisms to handle varying levels of traffic and maintain high availability.

  • Resilient: Built with fault tolerance to ensure system stability and reliability, complemented by Sahara Blockchain's partition tolerance.


Abstractions are foundational to the implementation of various AI assets on the Sahara AI platform. They provide the necessary conceptual framework for managing AI resources and processes. 

Core Abstractions, such as:

  • Dataset Abstractions that represent the curated data from participants that fuel AI training and augment inference processes.

  • AI Model Abstractions that encapsulates models and architectures for various machine learning tasks, with a focus on generative models and large language models (LLMs).

  • Computation Abstractions that encompass the resources that support the execution of AI tasks, including cloud-based GPUs and decentralized contributions from network participants.

High-Level Abstractions build upon core abstractions and provide higher-level functionalities and integrations. These include:

  • Vaults: Execution interfaces behind Sahara Vault for managing AI assets.

  • AI Agents: Execution interfaces behind Sahara Agent, focusing on LLM-based agents for complex reasoning and decision-making tasks.


The Execution Layer orchestrates complex AI operations through a suite of specialized protocols designed to facilitate efficient interactions among various abstractions. These protocols manage a wide range of activities, including AI access, training, and execution. 

Abstraction Execution Protocols provide the necessary framework to ensure that all high-level abstractions operate efficiently and securely:

  • Vault Execution Protocols: Including Direct Access Protocol, Downstream Model Training Protocols, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Protocol.

  • Agent Execution Protocols: Including Communication Protocols (Hierarchical and Peer-to-Peer) and Multi-Agent Coordination Protocols.

Collaborative Computation Protocols facilitate joint AI model development and deployment among multiple participants:

  • Collaborative Model Training Protocol: Includes Decentralized Training and Model Aggregation.

  • Collaborative Model Serving Protocol: Includes Decentralized Serving.

  • Add-on Modules:

    • PEFT Modules: Support various Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning techniques.

    • Privacy Preserving Compute Modules: Including Differential Privacy (DP), Homomorphic Encryption (HE), and Secret Sharing (SS).

    • Computation Fraud Proof Modules: Generate fraud proofs for computation results.

The Collaborative AI Economy

One of the most transformative elements of Sahara AI is our collaborative economy, which ensures that all participants in the decentralized AI ecosystem are fairly compensated based on their contributions. This economy is designed to attract a diverse range of participants, from individual contributors to large enterprises, creating a vibrant, dynamic community that fuels innovation.

Here’s how the collaborative economy works:

  • Fair Compensation and Recognition: Contributions are transparently tracked, with compensation distributed in a trustless manner according to the value and impact of each participant’s work. Whether you're providing data, developing models, or creating AI agents, you are compensated fairly for your input. This process is governed by smart contracts and decentralized protocols rather than centralized intermediaries."

  • Inclusive Participation: Sahara AI is designed to be accessible to a broad audience, encouraging participation from individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. This inclusivity ensures that the benefits of AI development are shared across a wide spectrum of users.

  • Monetization Opportunities: Users can trade shares or licenses of AI assets through the Sahara AI Marketplace, a decentralized hub for buying, selling, and sharing AI models, datasets, and agents. This marketplace offers flexible licensing options, ensuring that AI assets can be monetized efficiently and transparently.

Economic Roles in the Sahara AI Ecosystem

Our collaborative economy is driven by several key roles, each contributing to the ecosystem's growth and sustainability:

  • Developers: Create AI models, tools, and applications on the platform. They earn revenue through usage fees, licensing, and sales of their creations.

  • Knowledge Providers: Include annotators and reviewers who provide and validate data. They are compensated based on the quality and utility of the data they contribute.

  • Consumers: End-users and businesses that utilize AI models and tools. They pay for services based on usage, driving the economic cycle.

  • Investors: Provide capital and resources like GPUs or cloud servers in exchange for stakes in AI assets, earning revenue from their investments.

  • Operators: Contribute storage and computing power to maintain the network infrastructure, earning rewards for their role in keeping the platform running smoothly.

  • Validators: Maintain the integrity and security of the Sahara Blockchain, verifying transactions and securing the network.

These roles work together in a self-sustaining loop, where each participant benefits from the contributions of others, creating a powerful synergy that drives the growth of both the AI and web3 ecosystems.

Decentralized Governance and the Sahara DAO

At Sahara AI, we believe in the power of community-driven innovation and decision-making. Our governance model is designed to be decentralized, transparent, and inclusive, ensuring that the platform evolves in line with the needs and vision of its users.

The Sahara DAO will be the cornerstone of the Sahara AI governance structure. It will be dedicated to complete democratization and minimizing governance to essential functions, promoting autonomy and innovation within the ecosystem.

The Sahara Foundation will play a vital role in transitioning the platform to fully decentralized governance. Its functions will include:

  • Facilitating DAO Creation: The Foundation supports the initial setup of the Sahara DAO, guiding the community towards fully decentralized governance.

  • Ecosystem Growth: It fosters the growth of the Sahara ecosystem and advances the underlying technology.

  • Long-term Strategy: The Foundation supports the Sahara DAO in identifying effective strategies for long-term development.

  • Open-Source Support: The Foundation supports the Sahara Blockchain Protocol (SBP) as an open-source initiative, fostering community engagement to expand its technical infrastructure.

  • Research Sponsorship: It sponsors research on scalability, security, and decentralization to continually improve the platform.

By implementing this decentralized governance model, Sahara AI hopes to ensure that the platform remains adaptable, user-centric, and aligned with the collective vision of its community.

Join the Collaborative AI Economy: Sign Up for Early Access!

Our vision isn’t just about building a platform—it’s about creating a future where AI is a shared resource accessible to all. As the platform evolves, our goal is to make AI development more equitable, transparent, and secure. By decentralizing AI, Sahara AI ensures that innovation is driven by the collective intelligence of a global community rather than a few centralized entities.

We invite you to explore the full technical vision and deep dive into how Sahara AI is redefining the future of AI by reading our litepaper.

Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a data scientist, a business leader, or simply someone excited about the potential for AI to change the world, there's a place for you in the collaborative AI economy. Be sure to sign up for our waitlist to get early access to our platform and be a part of our mission from day one.

Join the Waitlist for Early Access!

Together, we can create a future where AI is truly for everyone.